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技术编号:2777941 阅读:119 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Centralized control device for explosion proof bottled streamline

A centralized control device for explosion-proof type bottling production line, which comprises a bottle feeding machine field control unit, control unit, filling machine, capping machine labeling machine field control unit, field control unit, bottle machine field control unit, the scene of each machine control unit by the explosion-proof button box, explosion-proof terminal box the scene, the control unit is connected with the control box, a centralized control unit prior to the field control unit, centralized control unit can authorize the field control unit to achieve control of the single machine, an electric motor, a photoelectric sensor, the button box, terminal box for explosion-proof type, the explosion-proof grade up to EX of CT6, the level of protection IP65. With this explosion-proof centralized control device, the whole filling production line realizes centralized control, which can be centralized control, and can be controlled separately by a single machine, and the whole control system has explosion proof performance.





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