
技术编号:21282988 阅读:61 留言:0更新日期:2019-06-06 12:42

Antenna device and terminal equipment

The embodiment of the present invention discloses an antenna device comprising a first radiation region, a phase adjustment region and a second radiation region, the first radiation region relative to the second radiation region, the first radiation region connecting one end of the phase adjustment region, and the other end of the phase adjustment region connecting the second radiation region. The first radiation region includes the feeding point of the antenna device, and the second radiation region includes the grounding point of the antenna device. The phase adjustment region is used to adjust the phase of the signal fed by the feeding point in order to change the space electromagnetic formed by the electromagnetic signals radiated from the first radiation region and the second radiation region. The direction of the field. The embodiment of the present invention also provides a terminal device. The antenna with simple structure, small size, low cost and adjustable direction of space electromagnetic field can be fabricated by adopting the embodiment of the present invention, which is convenient for application in the market.





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