
技术编号:18608574 阅读:32 留言:0更新日期:2018-08-04 22:37

An intelligent water valve system and its control method

The invention discloses an intelligent water valve system and its control method. The system comprises a water valve body and an intelligent controller on the water valve body. The intelligent controller comprises a processor, a voltage acquisition circuit, a power supply module, a flow sensor and a line free communication module connected to the processor, and the voltage acquisition circuit. The working voltage of the power supply module and the flow sensor is collected, and the acquisition information is transmitted to the processor. When the fault occurs, the alarm is sent out. The wireless communication module is used to communicate with the external equipment and to share the data. The intelligent water valve control system and the control method of the invention have saved the user's time, better experience, and the maintenance personnel can timely find the problems existing in the intelligent faucet to be repaired in time, and the utility is strong and easy to be popularized.





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