
技术编号:15981928 阅读:17 留言:0更新日期:2017-08-12 05:27

Backwashing cycle valve

A backwash cycle valve, comprising a cylinder, one end of the cylinder is connected with the upper joint, joint hole connected with the inner pipe thread, the other end of the cylinder and the lower joint is connected with the internal cylinder, piston, spring pressing cap and seal, seal pressure cap with screw locking in the piston, the piston is at the top of the side of the spring, and the spring is sleeved on the inner liner, and the other end of the spring is in the joint of the top end. In actual use, with fracturing pipe column connection backwashing cycle valve, backwash cycle valve with fracturing packer, tail pipe and other products, fracturing down into the well to a predetermined position, in the process of fracturing without adding ceramsite sand and ratio of glue from the wellhead, when the bottom of the abnormal situation, often connected with backwashing the circulating valve column and backwashing cycle valve arranged at the lower part of the products are covered by sand, sand and stop ratio of glue, from the annulus with high pressure liquid, high pressure liquid through 4 32mm diameter cylinder backwash cycle valve on the side of the hole, push the piston upward movement, compression spring, the seal and the pressure cap together with the piston upward, backwash channel open, high pressure liquid into the internal tubing from the backwash channel, and the sanding products outside of the ceramic sand and the ratio of glue together into the inside of the oil tube, returning from the wellhead, The backwash; when wellhead liquid back without ceramite, stop the annulus pressure, the piston in the spring force of the cylinder side close the backwash channel, this can also continue to ensure continuous operation, fracturing, ensure the smooth completion of construction.





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