
技术编号:15531116 阅读:144 留言:0更新日期:2017-06-04 17:57

Message protection method, related equipment and system

The embodiment of the invention discloses a method, a message protection: UE through the UE GMM/SM protocol layer receives SGSN send the authentication and key negotiation request message; UE in the UE GMM/SM protocol based on authentication and key negotiation request message to obtain the first algorithm identifier, and generates a first key; according to the first key and UE the first algorithm, verify the first message authentication code in UE GMM/SM protocol; if UE determines the first message authentication code is verified, according to the first key and the first generation algorithm, authentication and key negotiation response message in UE GMM/SM protocol; UE through UE GMM/SM protocol to send SGSN authentication and key agreement in response to the news, to enable the SGSN to verify the second message authentication code. The embodiment of the invention also provides related equipment and system for message protection. It can be supported in practical applications, so as to improve the security of the scheme and prevent the attacker from degrading the algorithm.





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