
技术编号:15397291 阅读:164 留言:0更新日期:2017-05-19 11:44

Method and apparatus for transmitting control signals based on weighted aggregation

The object of the present invention is to provide a method and an apparatus for transmitting a control signal based on a weighted aggregation. Specifically, determine the corresponding control signal to the multi antenna transmission element by a common control channel port corresponding to the level of the aggregate weight vector; based on the level of the aggregate weight vector by the multi antenna element, the control signal transmission. Compared with the prior art, the present invention is adopted. Compared with the prior art, one embodiment of the present invention by determining the corresponding control signal to the multi antenna transmission element by a common control channel port corresponding to the level of the aggregate weight vector, according to the level of the aggregate weight vector, the multi antenna element, the transmission control signal, realizes the common control channel 3D MIMO system to improve coverage in, solves the problem of coverage holes to introduce 2D planar array in 3D in MIMO, and the antenna array gain of the invention in the whole EOD span more evenly distributed, the gain is significant.





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