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技术编号:15287835 阅读:118 留言:0更新日期:2017-05-10 12:05

High purification control method of electromechanical equipment

A kind of mechanical and electrical equipment in the refined control method is disclosed, a variety of parts, the method for various electrical and mechanical equipment parts design, design and set all kinds of structure pieces, many are concentric tolerances of the precision value in a variety of technical requirements, with or without a multi-faceted three-dimensional turning or moving parts and various parts orbital motion side parts, various mechanical parts and electrical parts, mobile fine with a full range of precision adjustable control parts and components are multi-faceted in a variety of parts, the combination of the other parts of the legislative body, with static precision full range adjustable control parts, components, and the combination between the various range, with a full range of precision control components; manufacturing parts according to the technical index; assembly value and various instrument according to the technical requirements of the design set The instrument is controlled by the numerical control and calculation, so that the combination of the above, respectively, to achieve the technical requirements of concentricity tolerance.





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