
技术编号:14553095 阅读:85 留言:0更新日期:2017-02-05 02:16

Information feedback method, codebook determination method, user equipment and base station

Information feedback method, codebook determination method, user equipment and base station thereof. The information feedback method includes one or more data stream transmission support in antenna array in horizontal and vertical direction, the user feedback information to the base station; wherein, the relevant information including vertical support data flow quantity, horizontal support data flow quantity, the total user equipment support any number of data flow in one or more; flow number or vertical direction in the horizontal direction to support the support number the number of data streams to a predetermined value, the relevant information including vertical support data flow and the number of user equipment in support of the total flow of data in an arbitrary number, or the related information including horizontal support data flow number and user equipment support of the total data stream in an arbitrary number. By this method, the single feedback signaling overhead can be reduced and the size of precoding matrix can be reduced.





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