
技术编号:14185584 阅读:53 留言:0更新日期:2016-12-14 16:17

Method, equipment and communication system for data communication with non authorized spectrum

Method, the embodiment of the invention provides a data communication with non licensed spectrum equipment and communication system, relates to the technical field of wireless communication, realized in cellular system, reasonable scheduling of non licensed spectrum resources for data communication. Including the method provided by the embodiment of the invention: a base station determines data communication using non authorized spectrum, request information sent to a terminal mode, the terminal receives the base station sends a request message mode (101), the terminal according to the preset configuration table determines that the terminal is using non authorized spectrum data communication (102); if the the terminal determines data communication using non licensed spectrum, send a confirmation message to the mode of the base station (103), the base station receives confirmation message sent by the terminal mode, the terminal and the base station in the first non authorized data communication band (104), among them, either in the intersection of unlicensed bands for unlicensed bands first the terminal supports all non licensed bands and base station all unlicensed bands, the terminal determines or determined by the mobile management entity.





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