
技术编号:8928021 阅读:167 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-15 23:52

low noise amplifier

The utility model provides a low noise amplifier, including a pair of overlapping transistors, which receives a radio frequency signal to generate an output signal and amplified by an inductor connected to a node node is connected with the adjustment, the adjustment of a resistor and a low dropout voltage regulator, a power supply by a working voltage formed by the resistor power supply to adjust the node in the when the power supply, and lead to a reference voltage voltage adjustment on the node is equal to or less than the low dropout regulator is received when the potential, low dropout voltage regulator output current to the power supply will adjust the node to move up the working voltage so that the voltage amplitude of the utility model can not only limit the output signal through the resistor, avoid overlapping the transistor overload, and use LDO assist power supply, to provide sufficient voltage driven low noise amplifier normal Run\u3002





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