
技术编号:6061762 阅读:280 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Automatic development test system and method for Web project

The development of automatic test system of Web project and method, the method includes the front-end management module or backstage management module when the module save the code after the update, the backstage management module notice to use the module of resources, and notify the test management module, the module to carry ID in the notice in operation; the results of the resources for the code stored; when the notification management module received code update after, according to the notice from the mark carrier send notice of the front-end management module management module to access or use of resources; when the test management module receives one or more of the front-end management module and / or the backstage management module code update notice, all of the front-end management module and background management module to preserve the code on the test management module is saved; This time you focus the code and add tags, then compile and test the centralized code.





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