
技术编号:6056720 阅读:378 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Self tamping gangue filling hydraulic support

The invention discloses a self compaction type rock filling hydraulic support comprises a base and a top beam, between the top beam and the base connected by a post, the top beam is arranged at the front end of the front beam and the top beam is provided with a scraper conveyor, the rear end of the top beam through the telescopic jack is connected with an inner telescopic extrusion shovel plate jack, the telescopic level settings of the base; the rear of the first and second compression jacks connected with the squeezing plate, the first level of extrusion Jack set. The invention solves the problem of the existing filling mining hydraulic support existing equipment can not guarantee the filling to the top and reinforce the poor strength, the realization of the gob roof of the high strength support the use of filling gangue, effectively eliminating the problem of ground subsidence, the destruction in the factory, the village relocation conditions under the safe mining of the part of the permanent coal pillar and the corners of coal and coal under buildings, improve the recovery rate of coal resources. The invention is also applicable to various solid fillings such as fly ash, river sand and loess.


1. 自夯式矸石充填液压支架,包括底座和顶梁,所述顶梁和底座之间由立柱连接,所述顶梁前端设有前探梁,所述顶梁后端设有刮板输送机,其特征在于:所述顶梁后端还通过伸缩千斤顶连接有内伸缩式挤压铲板,伸缩千斤顶水平设置;所述底座后侧通过第一、第二挤压千斤顶与挤压板连接,第一挤压千斤顶水平设置。



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