
技术编号:6054515 阅读:184 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Service processing method and system

The invention discloses a service processing method and system for business users can establish consumer records in details; buckle time-consuming, deductions in accordance with the order, and record the details of chargeback information; fill in payment, check this month and last month payment details, according to determine the account and fill up the amount of money. The method and the system of the invention record the short message, the deduction and the rollback details of the letter and the MMS service to determine the deduction fee and the supplementary account, so as to avoid the wrong use of various resources caused by the supplementary payment. On the one hand to protect the user in the letter between SMS, MMS, chargeback and replenishment and operators is relatively fair; on the other hand to prevent the malicious use of SMS, MMS, rollback in the letter's vulnerability to obtain illegal interests, protect the interests of operators. Therefore, this method and system have very high economic and technical value.





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