
技术编号:6052301 阅读:200 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Interactive system for network service and method thereof

The invention relates to a system for interactive network service and method, the method for interactive web services include: in the service providing device provides network services, including network service record event information; selectively in the first data processing device or the first interactive device storage table, the table records the event information and corresponding event information the reaction model, and the first data processing device and service providing device and apparatus for forming the first interactive communication; the first data processing device to access a network service; using the first data processing device receives the event information from network service; according to the control table and event information, control commands selectively in the first data processing device or the first interactive device produce the corresponding the reaction model; and the implementation of the first interactive device according to the control command control Coping model. In accordance with the present invention, two remote users can interact with each other through data processing devices and / or interactive devices.





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