
技术编号:6045765 阅读:203 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Infusion device based on children

The invention relates to an infusion apparatus, especially relates to a transfusion device based on children, including the scroll, scroll bracket, motor and transfusion support belt, the reel bracket is fixedly connected on the roof, activity in the reel bracket is arranged on the reel, reel is connected with one end of the motor, the infusion support with flexible material the connection and wound on a roll with the rotation of the reel rolled up or down at the end of the band infusion support is provided with a supporting rod, the supporting rod is provided with a plurality of hooks, wherein the hook is hung on a variety of toys, including at least one hanging hook for hanging transfusion appliance. The invention can effectively attract children's attention, reduce children's fear and uneasiness of infusion, and improve the safety of infusion for children. ?





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