
技术编号:6043717 阅读:316 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and device for detecting delay of IPQAM equipment

The present invention relates to the detection field, provides a IPQAM device delay detection method and device, which solves the problems of the existing technology can not IPQAM device delay detection problem, wherein the method comprises adding feature data in digital signal transmission to the IPQAM equipment; in the transmission process, the record contains the first time the characteristic data of digital signal; receiving the RF signal IPQAM modulation equipment the digital signal output, will restore the RF signal into a digital signal; when the data contains characteristics of digital signal reduction when recording receives the radio frequency signal of second time; calculating the time difference between the first and the second time will be. The output results. Through the embodiment of the invention, the time delay of different IPQAM devices can be detected quickly and conveniently, so as to provide better service for users, or to design applications for different time delay equipment characteristics.





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