
技术编号:20596441 阅读:28 留言:0更新日期:2019-03-16 12:04

Image Processing Method and Device

An image processing method and apparatus includes: calculating the sensitivity of the background model according to the clarity of the detected area of the input image, which is negatively correlated with the clarity in the first predetermined range; processing each pixel of the input image, in which, when processing a pixel, includes: calculating the sensitivity of the background model; The distance between a pixel and each sample point in the background sample set corresponding to that pixel in the background model, when the distance between the pixel and at least the first predetermined number of sample points is less than or equal to the predetermined first threshold, the pixel is determined as the background pixel in the input image; the first threshold is determined according to the sensitivity, and the sensitivity and the first threshold are determined. The values are negatively linearly correlated. The device in the above embodiment defines a sensitivity for the background model in the VIBE algorithm and adjusts the sensitivity according to the clarity of the image, thereby improving the accuracy of foreground detection and avoiding the problem that the image becomes blurred and the whole foreground image cannot be extracted.





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