
技术编号:17545118 阅读:67 留言:0更新日期:2018-03-25 02:17

A radio frequency front end, terminal device and carrier aggregation method

A radio frequency front end, terminal device and carrier polymerization method. The RF front-end comprises P transmitting branch, each transmitting branch for carrier modulation signal of a band emission M different from each other in the band; each transmitting branch comprises at least one transmitter filter, at least one frequency band and each transmit branch the transmit filter allows the carrier; N the receiving circuit, the receiving circuit for each carrier modulation signal receiving at least one M different frequency bands; each receiving circuit includes receiving at least one filter, and each band receiving filter allows the carrier receiving at least one receiving branch; switch circuit with L input ports and at least one output port; the output port is connected with the antenna or antenna circuit, L input ports for the simultaneous conduction of P transmitting branch The transmission branch and the receiving branch of the same frequency band in the N receiving branch.





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