
技术编号:15531147 阅读:224 留言:0更新日期:2017-06-04 17:58

A P CSCF load method and device management

The embodiment of the invention discloses a P CSCF load method and device management, relates to the field of communication, to achieve load balancing and load on the migration of VOLTE voice lossless. Including the invention embodiment: by receiving the transfer instruction; scan the user context and access load to obtain the source P CSCF; according to the preset rate, in batches to the access to the source P CSCF load respectively send P CSCF address list; among them, the P CSCF address list contains at least one except the source P CSCF P CSCF address; when access to the source P CSCF load quantity to meet the requirements of load migration instructions, stop access to the source of the P CSCF are sending P CSCF address list. The invention is used for load management P CSCF.





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