
技术编号:15530687 阅读:189 留言:0更新日期:2017-06-04 17:43

Method and device for compensating starting signal error of optical time domain reflectometer

Including an error compensation method of OTDR signal originator: after the optical signal of actual measured optical fiber signal sequence reflected the received PN sequence detection to the measured optical fiber transmitter to send the actual signal sequence and the receiver (101); optical fiber attenuation curve function according to the actual signal sequence, signal sequence theory PN sequence PN sequence and adjacent one iteration is calculated, the calculated occurrence of the optical signal attenuation in the measured optical reflection in the process of compensation value (102); according to the theory of signal sequence the actual signal sequence, the optical signal of the compensation value and the PN sequence optical fiber attenuation curve function, the iterative calculation (103); in meet the conditions set obtained from the second iteration of fiber attenuation curve function, according to the fiber attenuation curve to obtain the iteration Function to determine the performance of the measured optical fiber (104). A device for compensating the error of an optical time-domain reflectometer is also provided.





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