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技术编号:9619139 阅读:134 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 07:15

Method and device for combining nuclear magnetic field with double scroll vortex

Nuclear reaction method for magnetic field and double vortex vortex combination, which is characterized in that one or more fluid independently and simultaneously a certain flow rate through a double vortex vortex generating device and magnetic field and vortex mixed double concentric vortex movement after the discharge, the formation of new nuclear reaction products. The double scroll device is a funnel-shaped structure formed by the connection of a main body container and a double scroll vortex tube, and a magnetic field generator is arranged around the vortex tube of the double scroll. Along the side of the container body fluid inlet into the main vessel, and double vortex centripetal vortex motion in the vortex tube in double vortex, and coherent double vortex vortex centripetal internal pressure field and vacuum zero point energy, the field and the magnetic field interaction in fluid flow, making all kinds of nuclear bodies in to obtain enough kinetic energy, break another nuclear Kulun barrier, resulting in various nuclear reactions, the formation of new nuclei (new elements) and other by-products, and release a large amount of nuclear energy.





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