
技术编号:8928255 阅读:147 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-15 23:59

Digital camera

The utility model discloses a digital camera, including music playing module, including LDO regulator, memory, music player and speakers, for under the control of the control module, to play music in the shooting; the control module, and the music playing module is used to control music playback module to play music; the input module is connected with the the control module for the input control signal to the control module; the power supply module, control module and the input module is respectively connected with the music playing module in the LDO regulator, which is used to supply power. The utility model of digital camera, without the need for music playback module separate configuration circuit, increase camera multitasking, realize the camera in the process of music playback, and ensure the camera can play the music first, the process does not interrupt the music, to guide infants, choose the best time, realize the camera function to meet the specific needs in particular situation.





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