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技术编号:8927636 阅读:207 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-15 23:39

Power network control system based on socket

A power network control system based on socket, including a mobile terminal, GSM wireless communication module, a main control unit, the control unit and the socket state detection and control circuit; the mobile terminal used in the form of text messages issued instructions to the main control unit; GSM wireless communication module for receiving mobile terminal in the form of text messages issued instructions and transmitted to the main control unit; the main control unit for determining the instructions to control the slave control unit according to the text instructions, and the power line transmission to the control unit from the power line transmission; after receiving the instruction and control circuit socket switch or disconnect the plug from the control unit for state detection and control socket; state detection control circuit for detecting and controlling socket switch on or off state. The power line carrier communication module as the main control unit and the control unit, and the power line communication, the establishment of local area network, realize the intelligent socket used by these appliances on the internal control of family space.





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