
技术编号:6085383 阅读:430 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

A biplane probe for puncture positioning

For a dual plane probe puncture, puncture needle, including the first and second detection surface detection surface, the probe head end, the first detection of Taiwan, Second Taiwan detection, characterized in that the first face detection in the first detection stage, second probe detection surface is located in the second stage, the first probe station is located in front of the probe head end second, Taiwan is located in the central head end detection probe, the puncture needle is located in second probe station, the detection signal and control signal transmission channel of the first and second detection surface detection surface and the puncture needle is located in the head end of the probe. The second detecting surface is perpendicular to the first detecting surface on the head end surface of the probe. During operation, ultrasound probes are conducted in two directions from the first detecting surface and the second detecting surface, and the ultrasonic image is positioned in combination with the ultrasonic needle, and then the needle extends out to perform the puncture operation. The probe can be used for precise positioning and not easy to escape.





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