
技术编号:6084708 阅读:430 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method for producing electrolytic manganese by removing iron with new oxidizing agent and application thereof

A new method for removing iron oxidizer electrolytic manganese and application, the first to join the combination tank of electrolytic manganese anode solution and stirring, analysis of Mn2+ and H+ content in the anode solution test, then adding sulfuric acid, manganese slag, feeding process into steam heating, temperature control at 80 to 85 DEG C; adding amount of chromium slag, chromium slag for silicomanganese slag weight of 10% ~ 15%, the material liquid in Fe2+ is less than or equal to 0.001g/l; adding ammonia neutralization, controlling the pH value in 6 to 7, when the feed concentration of Mn: 30 ~ 35g/l; the concentration of ammonium sulfate: 110g/l ~ 115g/l; pH value: 6 ~ 7; Fe, Ni, Co = 0.001g/L; Zn = 0.001g/l, is the qualified liquid; the qualified liquid after electrolysis to obtain qualified electrolytic manganese metal. Due to the use of chromium residue, easily available raw materials, high iron removing efficiency, greatly reduces the production cost, but also to achieve a six chromium slag detoxification, realize resource recycling, reduce the waste of electrolytic manganese manganese dioxide ore industry, greatly reduces the production cost of electrolytic manganese metal.


1.一种用新型氧化剂除铁生产电解锰的方法,其特征是具体步骤如下:(1)首先向化合罐中加入电解锰阳极液并搅拌,化验分析阳极液中Mn2+、H+含量,然后加入硫酸,再加入冶炼硅锰渣合金后剩余的废渣即硅锰渣,硅锰渣中全锰百分含量为13~14%,硫酸和硅锰渣的加入量按照下式计算:式1:硅锰渣重量=合格液与电解锰阳极液锰浓度之差(g/L)×电解锰阳极液体积/硅锰渣的∑Mn含量,式2:酸矿比即(硫酸重量+电解锰阳极液中酸的重量):硅锰渣重量为0.8:1~0.7:1 ,式3:硫酸加入重量=(硅锰渣重量*酸矿比-阳极液体积*阳极液含H+浓度(g/L))/硫酸百分含量,投料过程中通入蒸气加热,温度控制在80~85℃;(2)然后加入六价铬含量在0.2%~0.6%的含铬废渣,铬渣的加入量为硅锰渣重量的10%~15%,使料液中的Fe2+≤0.001g/l;(3)然后加入氨水中和,控制pH值在6.0~7.0,当料液中锰浓度:30~35g/l;硫酸铵浓度:110g/l~115g/l;pH值:6.0~7.0;ΣFe≤0.001g/L;Co、Ni、Zn≤0.001g/l,即为合格液;若不合格需要对料液返回上道工序重新处理,合格液经过电解得到合格电解金属锰。...



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