Ad Hoc网络中节点攻击的防御方案制造技术

技术编号:6084535 阅读:325 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

A defense scheme for node attack in Ad Hoc networks

The present invention relates to a defense scheme for node attack in AdHoc network. Contains the following steps: modifying the OLSR protocol, the Reversed field to Encrypt field placement of the encrypted information, the recipient received HELLO decrypt the message, after verification of the Encrypt field is empty or not the original encryption information is discarded the message; acquiring the Willingness field in the HELLO message, to determine whether the WILL_NEVER, if not that the message is safe; adding tracking and monitoring HELLO messages in the protocol, one hop node sends a message to monitor the frequency of sending the HELLO message, HELLO message 25 times larger than the original frequency frequency, is that the network attack, then choose to discard the HELLO. By using the method of the invention, the network can be completely avoided such attacks, and the security and reliability of data transmission can be ensured.





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