
技术编号:6082026 阅读:749 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Inertial sensor for miniature six axis integrated accelerometer gyroscope and application method thereof

The invention discloses a micro inertial sensor integrated six axis accelerometer gyroscope and its application method, the inertial sensor to three axis acceleration measurement of moving 3D coordinates in object simultaneously and three angular acceleration. The sensor adopts MEMS etching micro structure on silicon wafer: oscillator, elastic beam and frame, inertial force by vibrator measurement of three axis three axis acceleration and angular acceleration, by decoupling acceleration and angular acceleration signals at the transducer surface bonding balance mass and non-equilibrium mass production methods. The force on the elastic beam resistance by using the semiconductor doping process, through a special force sensitive resistor bridge method and signal processing method, three axis acceleration of moving object and three axis angular acceleration. The invention is mainly used for medium precision navigation of vehicles, ships, etc..





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