
技术编号:6081103 阅读:427 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

An atmospheric noise suppression method for subcarrier modulation wireless optical communication

The invention discloses a method for suppressing a subcarrier modulation in wireless optical communication, atmospheric noise, first establish the mathematical model of atmospheric channel; then according to the mathematical model of the atmospheric channel, the source code using 4FSK digital subcarrier modulation, get the modulated signal and the modulated signal denoising using homomorphic filtering technique to get the signal after noise; at the end of the signal after denoising using zero crossing detection demodulation, obtained after denoising code. The method for suppressing the atmospheric noise of the invention is simple, economical, practical and easy to implement, and is specially aimed at the wireless laser communication which is easy to be influenced by the atmosphere and leads to the increase of the error rate of the communication. This method reduces the high communication rate of subcarrier modulation in wireless laser communication system BER, can very good inhibitory effect of atmospheric turbulence on the communication system, and provides a new method for high-speed digital communication to realize wireless broadband access, FSO.





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