
技术编号:6079611 阅读:193 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Regulating door with insulation layer

The utility model discloses a thermal insulating layer adjusting door comprises an air duct group, a bearing seat relatively evenly distributed on both sides of the side plate cylinder group, the bearing seat is arranged outside the bearing, the bearing is arranged in the middle of the short axis of a blade welding short axis, short axis of the cylinder on one side of the connection group a short rod, short connecting rod drive through the long rod, the steel tube is two kinds of different radius of the bearing seat inner side plate embedded in the two standard steel of gap is filled with insulation material, so as to effectively prevent bearing heat, protect the bearings. Through operation test, the service life of the regulating door with insulation layer has been increased by more than 2 times, and the inspection cycle of the user's product has been prolonged, and considerable economic benefits have been created for the users.





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