
技术编号:6078241 阅读:176 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Large capacity network electronic storage device

The invention discloses a high-capacity network electronic storage device, mainly solves the flash based storage technology for medium interface in lack of generality, such as small storage capacity and poor scalability shortcomings. The device consists of a motherboard installed in the communication management board and a number of block storage board, network interface unit management board for dual redundant network interfaces, including the main standby network interface and network interface, the two network interface can real-time switch, as the device user interface for data exchange. In memory data storage using flash memory as storage medium, the storage capacity of each storage plate for 800GB. The device can complete the network electronic storage, the network electronic downloading and the storage space parameter operation. The invention has the advantages of real-time data transmission, high reliability, simple interface, large storage capacity and good expandability, and can be used for storing data in a large ship monitoring system at sea.





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