
技术编号:6073513 阅读:205 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Distributed multi task cooperative processing network system and method based on reactor mode

The invention relates to a distributed reactor mode of multi task cooperative processing system based on network, including a plurality of multi-channel collaborative events and distributed processing separation reactor, the reactor connected to each other through the network, and have at least one independent central processing unit CPU. The invention also relates to a network system using the multi task processing method based on the mode of the reactor, the reactor task message method in the received will be divided into various types of events after redistribution to the corresponding CPU processing, feedback processing results to the reactor network according to the result of CPU transaction processing. The use of distributed reactor mode of multi task cooperation network processing system and method based on the invention, the large amount of computation, and good scalability, can achieve better performance in hardware cost and system cost, calculate the index and can reach the existing centralized systems which can not be achieved.





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