
技术编号:6077524 阅读:363 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Grouting method for roadway driving along goaf

The present invention discloses a kind of grouting consolidation along goaf process method, which comprises the following steps: after high gas coalface, since gas tail roadway of coal pillar to the section through the intake construction of grouting holes and / or in the section of the intake in laying grouting pipe; through grouting hole construction or laying grouting tube, to collapse or partial collapse section in the way of grouting, grouting and caving of roof rock formation concretion body, filling to scrap the intake section, harmful gas and sealing of goaf; then the intake section along the direction, coal pillars or completely along the edge of consolidation body close to the medial section in the way of the pillar, driving the new section of the roadway, as the next section of the working face of driftway, realize recovery of the segment coal pillar. The invention can prevent high gas coal face goaf accumulated gas leakage and the goaf grouting consolidation process of coal pillar along the original section wind tunnel and gas tail roadway between the most or all of the recovery.





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