
技术编号:6070621 阅读:188 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Intelligent well downhole monitoring device

The invention relates to an intelligent downhole monitoring device, including setting in the oil gas reservoir on the pressure, temperature, displacement sensor, short circuit including acquisition, communication, control, and cable and cable protection pipe; the sensor and the signal connection circuit, a displacement sensor of the free end of the sliding bar connected with the slide a short circuit; connected with the electromagnetic valve, solenoid valve control hydraulic cylinder and sliding sleeve opening degree is connected; short circuit pressure, temperature and displacement signal acquisition, ground receiving instruction, complete production layer and the ground, as well as between the ground and ground communication, a timing pulse driving solenoid valve control action. Open the sliding sleeve. The invention mainly completes the oil sleeve opening feedback, reservoir pressure, temperature monitoring, and according to the ground production adjustment commands to control the downhole electromagnetic valve action, to adjust the opening degree of the sliding sleeve, reaching downhole reservoir monitoring and production control purposes.





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