
技术编号:6070194 阅读:257 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method for realizing trusted transmission of VoIP media stream based on ZRTP key exchange

Including the realization method of ZRTP key exchange VoIP media stream based on trusted transmission: Hello message of the first user terminal receives second to send the user terminal, which carries second parameters of the Remote user terminal user terminal second set the value of the first user terminal; the Remote parameter value is set to the local Local values; the first user terminal computing a session key, when the first user terminal receives the Commit message type second user terminal, if the first user terminal according to the local Local parameter value judgment to send the first user terminal authentication information to the user terminal second, generated from the first user terminal session key and the first terminal platform information authentication information is sent to the second second user terminal; the user terminal receives the authentication information after the confirmation message is sent to the first user terminal, The first user terminal is verified on the basis of the received authentication information and session key of the first user terminal, and the Confirm type message is sent to the first user terminal after verification.





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