
技术编号:6065687 阅读:170 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Communication method of wireless LAN device, wireless LAN system, relay for

The invention discloses a communication method of wireless LAN, wireless LAN system and relay device for. For wireless LAN Wireless communication device includes: Communication in a wireless network, wireless communication can relay packets in wireless networks; and setting, from in the wireless LAN device to obtain the first wave identification information identifying the other wireless LAN devices within the range of the other wireless LAN communication device, and second according to the identification information of the first identification information stored in the wireless LAN device and the identification of the wireless LAN device, using a predefined method in the wireless LAN and the device for performing non symmetric protocol status set between other wireless LAN device. The wireless LAN device shares the cryptographic key according to the set position, and encrypts the packet with the cipher key for relay.





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