
技术编号:6063981 阅读:228 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Urban temperature census system

The invention discloses a city temperature survey system, mainly to solve the city centralized heating indoor temperature census data accuracy is not high, the indoor temperature acquisition device of the system adopts the wireless temperature monitoring subsystem of indoor cable temperature monitoring subsystem of distributed multi point temperature and / or room. The system will be the indoor temperature acquisition device selectively provided in the census of buildings of different floors in different directions of indoor temperature sensing, using scientific and reasonable layout, and combined with the distributed multi-point temperature measurement and comprehensive evaluation theory, not only the monitoring data is accurate and reliable, can reflect the real-time temperature and energy consumption of heating enterprises within the building area; it is more effective to heating users indoor temperature monitoring, comprehensive analysis, provide the data basis for the regulation of heating system, heating efficiency evaluation, which can be widely used in various central heating, intelligent building environment monitoring etc..





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