
技术编号:6063106 阅读:292 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method for identifying P2P stream media flow in unknown traffic

A method of identifying P2P streaming media traffic flow in the unknown, is the first of a large number of statistics contains many applications of P2P streaming media data stream, extracting the packet payload length as a parameter, derived from multi class samples in accordance with the application of discrete distribution characteristics of interval; UDP flow of the unknown flow quantity in the transport layer based on the data flow as input unit, wherein each packet and obtaining its extraction load length, according to the application of sample prior probability of the packet belongs to each type of application value, which belongs to the application of each type of calculation formula based on Bayesian posterior probability values, and taking the maximum value; the definition of said data stream reliability belongs to a kind of applications the credibility of the value, the maximum and the average value was selected by iteration combined with posterior probability, as the data stream current reliability value; the current value and the reliability of data flow By comparing the default decision threshold, the application category that determines the ownership of the data stream is determined. The invention has the advantages of fast processing speed, small storage space and wide application range.





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