
技术编号:6060887 阅读:215 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method, device, mobile terminal and server for sharing information

The invention is applicable to the field of computer technology, provides a method for acquiring and sharing information device, mobile terminal and server, wherein the method comprises the following steps: obtaining request comments sent to reviewers information user on the server; the server returns the shared resources of all reviewers of identity and the identity of the local store identification, identity, will send to the server; receiving and outputting the server returns the matching identifier corresponding to the comment information. The present invention by matching the identity from the server to get the shared critic's review of information resources selected by the user, raise the level of intelligent mobile terminal, the mobile terminal users can understand contact shared resources on the mobile terminal users choose the comment information, real-time, effective communication and contacts, reduce communication the flow of mobile terminal.





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