
技术编号:6061051 阅读:212 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and system for implementing multimedia color ring service

The invention discloses a method and system for multimedia services including: customized ringing tone server and multimedia applications (AS) launched a customized ringing tone to the called terminal in the calling terminal call after call, send a message to a called terminal, and control the media server multimedia playback customized ringing tone to the calling terminal; the called terminal receives a call message and response. Returns a response message to the AS multimedia terminal in carrying customized ringing tone, called the response message in the media information; multimedia media negotiation by AS called terminal customized ringing tone response message carrying the media information in the calling terminal and the called terminal, and the completion of the call establishment. The invention to carry multimedia media information reply message in AS to send customized ringing tone through the called terminal, the multimedia AS without access to media information customized ringing tone to the called terminal through separate signaling, save the cyber source.





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