
技术编号:6060551 阅读:224 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Paper feed scanner for reducing resistance of mechanism

The invention discloses a paper feeding scanner, reduce the resistance of institutions including: the first scan unit of the first medium conveying roller group; with second scanning unit second medium conveying rollers, arranged in parallel with the first scan unit; the driving motor, is arranged between the feeding roller group and second in the first medium medium conveying roller group; and a switching mechanism, according to the rotary drive motor to drive motor power will choose a transfer to the first medium conveying roller group or second medium conveying roller group to reduce the resistance mechanism. In the invention, by adding a feed roller and a paper roll, and the switching mechanism can scan unit power is transferred to the need to work, so will only be loaded from the feed roller and the paper to paper roller produced by the institution, the institutions of resistance than prior art institutions have reduced to a certain extent.





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