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技术编号:6058031 阅读:244 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Shift, m sequence family, spread spectrum, M-ary coded transmission

The invention relates to a shift m sequence family, an extended spectrum and a multi band coded transmission, belonging to the field of short distance communication. Relating to wireless sensor networks and radio frequency identification. The invention provides a method for shifting m sequence families, M-ary coding and sequence grouping. The present invention originated in the shift of m sequence M-ary encoding transmission, for each stage of shift register output according to the weighting coefficient to the selected set of primitive polynomial sequences according to the sequence of the initial state of the shift register control terminal is set to the selected sequence; in the end the derivative logic unit multi sequence is derived on the basic sequence generator and. According to the two methods of successive shift and multiple shift intervals, the sequence of groups is equal to the number of shifts corresponding to each sequence. The present invention uses discrete signal correlation operation method to compare bit by bit sequence with local derived multiple sequence by bit by bit, and uses correlation calculation method of reversible counting and summation to realize shift m sequence family multi ary correlation. Through to achieve multi value judgment or decision sequence without threshold.





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