
技术编号:6056137 阅读:159 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Guide rails and rock drilling equipment for rock drilling equipment

The present invention relates to the technical field of drilling equipment, and discloses a guide for drilling equipment, which includes has a groove structure of the guide rail and a lower guide rail, the guide rail on the side wall, forming one at the bottom and is a hollow structure, wherein the lower rail side wall, forming one of the bottom and the bottom of the hollow structure; the upper guide rail and the lower rail is fixed on the bottom. Guide for drilling equipment of this kind of structure, can be pre processed with grooves on the structure of the guide rail and has a groove structure under the guide rail, guide rail on the bottom and the bottom of the rail have been forming, the bottom on the bottom of the rail and a lower guide rail fixed together on the guide rail and a lower guide rail deformation the amount is small, can effectively ensure the straightness of the rail for drilling equipment. The invention also relates to a rock drilling device with a guide rail for the rock drilling equipment.





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