
技术编号:6052883 阅读:473 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Well body structure and layout method for unloading coalbed methane gas ground pumping well

A wellbore pressure relief gas ground pumping wells and its layout method, well structure including well whipstocking drilling the first vertical depth first open aperture and second vertical depth of second open aperture section, vertical drilling of third vertical depth second open aperture section and the protected layer in depth the third section open aperture. Layout method using hole, in the mining area outside the open aperture and two open top section of the aperture directional drilling, two lower and three open aperture aperture section of the vertical wells, in the mining area near the boundary of section end hole, the hole structure in most mining affected areas or mining influence a smaller area, greatly enhanced the stability of pumping wells ground, reduce the construction risk, improve the production capacity of coal seam gas pumping, effectively reducing the overburden destruction of ground wells and increase ground pumping wells Business Hours mining.





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