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技术编号:6043623 阅读:281 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Fish shaped steel pipe pile

The invention discloses a fish shaped steel pipe pile. One side of the steel pipe pile whose bottom is closed is welded with multilayer lateral wings from top to bottom, each side plate is 2~4, and the tail fin is welded at the tapered end of the steel pipe pile closed at the bottom. The other one is in the pipe in the opening at the bottom of the pile side from top to bottom welding multilayer wing, each layer is 2 ~ 4 wing; welding layer of fin on the bottom of steel pipe pile side of the lower end opening, fin is 2 ~ 4. When the single pile is subjected to torque action, the pile body and the pile end fin squeeze the soil mass to produce larger soil counterforce, thereby greatly improving the torque carrying capacity of the single pile. The invention improves the force characteristics of the traditional round steel pipe pile under the action of torque, has strong anti torsion ability, good stability and small reconstruction cost, and can be applied to the foundation of various structures in offshore engineering and harbor engineering.





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