
技术编号:4176972 阅读:152 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Sliding structure of portable mobile electronic equipment

The utility model provides a sliding structure of a portable electronic device, which comprises a first support structure and second supporting structure, the first support structure and second supporting structure can slide relative to both sides of the first support structure and second support structure in their sliding direction is provided with a sliding guide structure matched with the rows of a row or ball the row is arranged between the first sliding guide structure of the supporting structure of the sliding guide structure and the supporting structure second. The utility model makes the friction mode of portable electronic devices for sliding guide structure between the sliding friction into rolling friction, reducing the friction force, the sliding guide structure in sliding structure gap below a minimum value of the case is still able to ensure a smooth sliding. Thus, when the momentum is reduced to near zero, the sliding smoothness and the sliding feel can be improved.





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