
技术编号:4175351 阅读:319 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40
本发明专利技术实施例公开了一种P2P(peer to peer)网络中文件传输路径的选择方法,该方法为:确定源节点与目的节点之间的非直联路径;确定所述非直联路径与直联路径的相关性,所述直联路径为所述源节点与所述目的节点之间的直联路径;根据所述确定的相关性结果,从所述非直联路径中选择一条或多条路径作为向所述目的节点传输文件的路径。本发明专利技术实施例还公开了一种P2P网络中文件传输路径的选择系统及设备。采用本发明专利技术,能够有效的提高文件传输业务的吞吐率、可靠性和稳定性。

Method, system and equipment for selecting file transmission path in P2P network

The embodiment of the invention discloses a P2P (peer to peer) in the network file transmission path selection method, the method for determining between the source node and the destination node non direct path; determining the correlation between non direct path and direct path, the direct path between the source node and the destination node direct path; according to the results of correlation between the determined, from the non as to the path of the file transfer destination node selects one or more paths of direct path. The embodiment of the invention also discloses a system and a device for selecting a file transmission path in a P2P network. The invention can effectively improve the throughput, reliability and stability of the file transmission service.





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