
技术编号:4160574 阅读:228 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

General encryption method for file network transmission

Today, with the development of electronic commerce, the security of file network transmission has become the focus of attention. The information network system from the two dimensions of the scale and complexity of applications have rapid development and expansion, security problems of network transmission in the information file on the network also will be produced and developed, so the file network transmission encryption security strategy is a necessary means for enterprises to take digital intellectual property protection. The present invention file network transmission control based on the general rules of network filtering, defined by different clients in different working environments, for the specified rule files to be sent is encrypted before it is sent, it sends in the network in the process of sending files is already dense text, received the text according to the requirements of the ciphertext is decrypted. If the receiver is designated by the client can directly decrypt files, if you need ordinary client install software to decrypt the files, so as to prevent the leakage of data from the network layer.





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