
技术编号:4172449 阅读:239 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and device for improving channel utilization during retransmission based on error control coding

The invention of the sending device if the judge need to retransmit information sequence receiving device sends, respectively to the retransmission information sequence and error control encoding new information sequence, to generate new codeword retransmission generated code and error control encoding respectively generate error control encoding after operation, logic operation of retransmission the new generation of code and generate code, to get through a logical combination of codeword logical calculation, then the logic combination codeword is transmitted to the receiving device; receiving equipment for joint decoding based on the long code which first received codeword and the received logical combination of codewords, in order to obtain the retransmission of information sequence and the new information sequence. The technical scheme provided by the invention of the transmitting device in the retransmission, the channel bandwidth is the same, not only the retransmission retransmission sequence information, also includes a part of the new information sequence, so as to improve the channel utilization rate.


一种在通信系统的发送设备中用于基于差错控制编码提高重传时的信道利用率的方法,其特征在于,包括以下步骤: a.判断是否需要重传已向接收设备发送的信息序列; b.如果需要重传,则分别对重传信息序列以及新增信息序列进行差错控制编码,以 分别生成差错控制编码后的重传生成码字和差错控制编码后的新增生成码字; c.对所述重传生成码字和所述新增生成码字进行逻辑运算操作,以获得经过所述逻辑运算的逻辑组合码字; d.将所述逻辑组合码字发送至所述接收设备。



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