
技术编号:4172049 阅读:185 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

A juvenile hand sizes customized method

The invention discloses a method for customizing juvenile hand sizes, including: size classification steps for minors hand sizes are classified to boys and girls are divided into two categories, the number of statistical measurement, hand width, hand length data; calculate the grade difference according to the data, and classified and several sizes; all belong to a particular type of data in the data statistics, the size in all subjects in the coverage; the coverage is greater than or equal to 5 per thousand in the size set to final size; benchmark size selection step, according to the hand tools required for manufacturing, final size the resulting in a benchmark size. Juvenile hand sizes customized by the method of the invention, the minors can choose to match your life appliance according to the method of hand sizes, improve juvenile hand appliance satisfaction, to fill the current no juvenile hand sizes this gap in the market.


一种未成年人手部号型定制方法,其特征在于,它包括以下步骤:    号型分类步骤,对未成年人的手部号型进行分类,该步骤包括:    首先,将男生与女生分为两大类,统计各有的人数,并且测量男生和女生的手宽和手长的数据;    然后,根据测量到的数据计算未成年人手部的档差值,通过档差值进行分档,列出数个号型;    再次,将测量到的数据中所有属于某一个号型的数据进行统计,得出该号型在所有被测者中的覆盖率;    最后,将覆盖率大于等于5‰的号型设置为最终号型,小于5‰的号型则不设置为最终号型;    基准号型选择步骤,根据所需制造的手部用具,选择上述得到的最终号型中的一个作为基准号型。



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