
技术编号:3034579 阅读:104 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

LED full color display screen control system

The utility model discloses a full color LED display screen control system, the system sent by the board, main control system and auxiliary control system composed of three parts, which are sent in decoding the original video signal, and the signal for the corresponding format change, compression, and then converted into LVDS signal or light signal suitable for long-distance transmission and sent to the main control system; main control system receives signals from the transmitting board for decoding, gray-scale transformation, and the distribution of signals to auxiliary control system, main control system does not directly control display; auxiliary control system is the core of the whole system, responsible for the production of gray, format encoding of the last stage of the task and directly determines the display quality, direct control of the LED driver IC. After adopting the system, the control area is significantly reduced, the transmission distance is reduced, and the clock frequency is increased, thereby improving the refresh frequency.





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